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Privacy Policy

The Flower Street Lofts Homeowner's Association (Flower Street Lofts HOA) privacy policy governs your use of the Flower Street Lofts HOA's website. By accessing or using our website, you accept, without limitation or qualification, the terms of this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy was last uploaded August 12, 2024.

Information Collected By Our Website
We collect two types of information from users of our website: personal information described below, and non-personal information such as user navigation and traffic patterns on our website, which helps us continuously improve the user experience.

Personal Information
To access certain sections of our website, we require you to register and create a username and password. Some personal data is collected during the registration process. We may also request additional information, both personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable. When you make a purchase on our website, or participate in a contest or other promotion, we may ask for personal information such as your name, address, email address, or credit card number to process your order. Providing personal information is your choice; you are not required to provide such information or make any purchases.

How We Use Your Personal Information
Your privacy and personal information are of the utmost importance to us. We do not sell or provide your information to any third party. We may use your information to communicate with you, update you on our services, and personalize your experience. Our website also makes available to other registered users the information you provide during registration, such as your screen name. We also use your email address to send you our weekly e-newsletter if you have specifically subscribed to receive it. You will always have the opportunity to opt out of receiving such materials. You can remove your email address from our list at any time by following the procedures set forth in the Opt Out Procedures section below or by clicking the link in any Flower Street Lofts HOA e-newsletter.

Discussions, Forums, Bulletin Boards, and Community Tools
Our website may offer chat rooms, forums, bulletin boards, news groups, and other community tools available to registered users and/or visitors. Please remember that any information disclosed by users in these areas becomes public information, visible to other users and accessible by Flower Street Lofts HOA. Please avoid sharing any personally identifiable information in these publicly accessible areas. We encourage you to be considerate and respectful of others when using any community tools to share your opinions.

Non-Personal Data
In some cases, we may collect non-personal information, such as the type of internet browser or operating system you are using, or the domain name of the website from which you arrived at our website. We also monitor user movement throughout our site to enhance user-friendliness and ease of use.

Certain features on our website use cookie technology. A cookie is a small data file that a website writes to your hard drive when you visit. A cookie file can contain various types of information, including a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you've visited. We may use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, monitor traffic patterns, and for other purposes.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can reset your browser to refuse all cookies, indicate when a cookie is being sent, or flush your browser of cookies from time to time. (Please consult your browser's help section for instructions.) If you choose to disable cookies or refuse to accept a cookie, however, you may not be able to access all areas of our website.

Opt-Out Procedures
You have the option to opt out of receiving any communications from Flower Street Lofts HOA at any time. Opt-out instructions will appear at the bottom of every email we send.

Sharing of Your Information
Flower Street Lofts HOA may share your personal information in the following circumstances: (i) if required by law, (ii) in the event of a transfer of ownership, merger, or similar transaction, or (iii) as described in this Privacy Policy. We may employ third parties to perform services or functions on our behalf to improve our website, marketing, communications, or other services. These third parties, including authorized contractors, consultants, and other companies working with us (collectively, "agents"), have access to personal information needed to perform their functions and may not share it or use it for any other purpose than providing or improving Flower Street Lofts HOA's services and offerings.

We may share certain non-personal, statistical information with third parties for advertising, promotional, and other purposes. For example, we may work with third-party advertising companies to serve and track our ads. These third parties may serve other cookies, and our advertising partners may use the non-personal information they collect from our website to help us better market and serve our users.

This Privacy Policy applies only to Flower Street Lofts HOA's website and does not cover the practices of third parties. You may visit other websites through links on our website, which may collect, use, and share your personal information according to their own privacy policies. The information practices of those linked websites are not covered by this Privacy Policy, and we encourage you to exercise caution before disclosing your personal information to others.

Flower Street Lofts HOA may be obligated to cooperate with law enforcement inquiries. We reserve the right to disclose or transfer personal information and non-personal information about you and your activities on our website to comply with legal requirements or requests from law enforcement, government officials, administrative agencies, or third parties, as we, in our sole discretion, deem necessary or appropriate for the administration of justice, or in connection with an investigation of fraud, intellectual property infringements, or violations of any other law, rule, or regulation, the Flower Street Lofts HOA's community Terms and Conditions of Use, or other rules or policies of our website, the rights of third parties, or any other activity that may expose us or you to legal liability, or to investigate any suspected conduct that Flower Street Lofts HOA, in its sole discretion, deems improper.

Providing a secure site is essential for your peace of mind and trust in Flower Street Lofts HOA. We have implemented encryption protocols conforming to the Secure Socket Layers (SSL) protocol to safeguard all of the information you send and receive. All information is stored on our servers in a secure location.

Protection for Children
Our website is not intended for users under the age of 18. Furthermore, we do not intend to collect personally identifiable information from children (i.e., individuals under the age of 13). Where appropriate, we take reasonable measures to inform children not to submit such information to our website or in response to advertisements.

Privacy Precaution Warning
Please note that no data transmission over the Internet is 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee the security of the information you transmit via our online services.

Your Consent
You may have certain rights under various state and federal statutes that may apply to the personal and non-personal information collected by Flower Street Lofts HOA online. By accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy and using our website, you waive all such rights concerning the collection, use, disclosure, and storage of your personally identifiable and non-personal information as described herein. You recognize that we can offer our website and services to you at our rates based on these terms, which are an integral part of our contract for the provision of services. By using our website and providing your personal information to us, you also authorize the export of your personal information to the USA, as well as its storage and use as specified herein.

We are located in the state of California, in the USA. This Privacy Policy and our legal obligations are subject to the laws of California and the USA, regardless of the location of any user. Any claims or complaints must be filed in the USA in the State of California. We may amend our Privacy Policy at any time, without notice to you, by posting such revised Privacy Policy on this page, so you are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we may disclose it. Any changes will only apply to information collected after the change is posted.

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